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Wholesale Blog


Positive thinking is not just for hippies…
it really works!

Dear Friend,

I am not telling you anything you probably don’t already know. But while interviewing many studios we found out a fascinating common thread. Studios that are successful have realized one ingredient that has made all the difference. And here it is:

** First, teach kids how to find JOY in dancing. Then teach them how to become good at it.

This may sound over simplified, but it is true. Once anyone experiences the joy of dance, they are hooked. Remember what it felt like when you ‘flew’ across the studio doing step, step, jete. You felt like you were flying.

Rule #1 – make sure kids are not scared away by discipline but they connect positivity with your studio. Bring in flow.

Positivity in dance

Here are some tips you can incorporate with your teaching to help your students develop positive thinking.


Here are 11 things you can do to create a positive atmosphere in your dance classes and with your students…


Flow and positive thinking

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a famed Hungarian-American psychologist, gives an amazing presentation on the ‘flow experience’:


And if you want to know what Flow is all about…click this link to get the definition.


Check out these links to positive thinking and flow. You won’t need to worry about anything after that.

Please contact me if you would like more information or if you want to discuss in detail.

Also, you can of course contact us about our wholesale program or check it out for yourself here.

We are here for you.

Best regards,